查尔姆斯理工相关新闻链接: https://intranet.chalmers.se/en/current/news/bio-k-best-poster-awarded-at-the-science-technology-day/
![生物系博士后曹哲荐是科技日海报比赛的获胜者,与评审团成员:生物系助理教授Alexandra Stubelius,通讯职员Mia Halleröd Palmgren和化学系研究员 Andreas Schaefer。](./winner.jpg)
系统与合成生物学系博士后曹哲荐展示了今年的最佳海报“野蛮切割细菌?”并获得了 15,000 瑞典克朗的奖励以参加感兴趣的科学会议。
Visualize Your Science 创始人 Andreas Dahlin 的评论:“一个完美的切入点,尺寸、颜色、位置以及“可怕的细菌”。非常流畅的阅读体验!”
On 12 May researchers from BIO and K were finally able to meet for the joint scientific event Science & Technology Day. This year’s poster exhibition attracted both a large number of exhibitors and many visitors.
This year’s best poster was presented by Zhejian Cao, postdoc at BIO, with the headline “Brutally cutting bacteria?”.
![Zhejian Cao, postdoc at BIO, was the winner of the poster competition at Science & Technology Day, here toghether with the members of the jury Alexandra Stubelius, Assistant Professor at BIO, Mia Halleröd Palmgren, communications officer and Andreas Schaefer, researcher at K.](./winner.jpg)
On Thursday 12 May, Science & Technology Day, a joint event for Biology and Biotechnology and Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, was back after a two-year break due to the pandemic.
More than 100 posters were on display in the poster exhibition in the entrance of the chemistry building, where researchers at both departments presented their research projects.
Zhejian Cao, postdoc at the Divison of Systems and Synthetic Biology, presented this year’s best poster “Brutally cutting bacteria?” and was awarded a 15,000 SEK contribution to participate in a scientific conference of interest.
The jury’s motivation: “A brutally attractive, eyecatching and fun poster addressing a huge societal problem with a cutting edge technology. Clearly posed question with understandable answers and high scientific impact.”
Comments from Andreas Dahlin, the founder of Visualize Your Science: “A perfect entry point in a good size, color, placement and also “scary bacteria”. Very nice reading flow with the arrow as well!”